Sunday 3 January 2010


Well it seemed that way last week when my computer crashed ..but things are up and running again and I can continue my Indiana Jones season ..this films intriguing  for a number of reasons firstly it takes place a year or so before Raiders , its non stop thrills and spills and Mola Rams a great villain .The version I saw in cinema when I was 11 had him rip some poor souls heart out and it continued to to beat ..the versions I see on TV have that scene edited (same goes with the "Oh Shit!" line on the bridge ..lets hope we see restored version here as those are two great cinematic moments.I have friends who say Raiders is a way better film , I'd say to them well they are two totally different films you couldn't make Raiders 2 like The Empire Strikes Back its a unique standout type of movie..But I think Temple of Doom can stand on its own too I hope the next Indy movie has some connection to this story as Crystal Skulls had with Raiders .

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