Saturday 9 January 2010

Rick Fortune -The Dice Man

Here's a  long missed comic from the 1980's  which combined 2000ad and Gaming . Now I'm not one of those RPG game freaks or anything but did read a few Steve Jackson books and The Ninja Usurper books as a early teen , it was a craze of the time much like computer games are now , The Diceman was an interesting experiment , In many ways it took a visual medium which your used to reading in a certain way and spun it on its head each of the panels were numbered so you'd have to go the panel indicated to find out your fate. I liked the lead character of  the comic Rick Fortune a real pulp hero who threw  "the dice of destiny "either to contain or unlease demons from another dimension . One Cherished  memory is punching Himmler's lights out  so it connects up with my earlier posts . Created by Pat Mills (who wrote Charleys War,Slaine,Nemesis and Marshal Law ) it would be great to bring him back someday ..maybe even a computer game format as he was an interesting character(Like Indy the story was set in the 1930's it was like a pulp magazine mixed with Lovecraft )The Final issue(only 5 were produced featured " You are Ronald Reagan " drawn by Hunt Emerson , you can imagine what that was like lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have all of these, had them then. Lush, and I am NOT a comic book guy...