Monday 13 December 2010

Cinema Behind the Iron Curtain 1-White Sun of the Desert

First of a weeks worth of Russian and Eastern European films, mainly made before the collapse of the Iron Curtain ,I was curious to see this film after reading a post on The Red Dead Redemption forum about having the next Red Dead game set in the Russian Civil War in a Ostern setting (Ostern is a genre of cinema which ran parallel to the Western(It litrally translates as Eastern but set in parts of what became the Soviet Union , usually the films would be set durring the early 1920's) Red Dead Revolution does have a nice ring to it , perhaps you could have a descendent of Niko Belic as the protagonist , be cool if that happened but I think that most people are familiar with the western but still it would make a fascinating game.
This film apparently is the movie of choice for Cosmonauts just before they go into space, it wasn't released for years as they felt it may of offended Breznev but it turned out to be a big hit with him and went onto to be one of the most popular Russian films of all time.

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