Saturday 15 January 2011

Dredd the Game?

A behind the scenes  look at the Dredd Vs Death game that came out in  2005 and here's the first level..

Knowing that a movie about JD is coming out in December I'm wondering if Rebellion is developing a new game(I'm hoping it's a sandbox game ,)whilst the Dredd Vs Death game did have it's moments (excellent voice talent , insane deathmatchs  , Block Wars, lots of zombies and robots but I  wasn't so keen on the vampires (again!..really should of been Werewolfs would of been truer to the Dredd mythos)
Here's a list of things I'd like to see if such a game is in development.
1-Third Person much like GTA although you can switch to first person much like Star Wars Battlefront .
2. A big map of part of Mega City perhaps close to the wall were Cursed Earth is situated... would be cool to have a chunk of the game set in the mutie wasteland  , as well as some coastline for some Black Atlantic .missions , some undercity action would also be appreciated .
3.Be able to ride The Lawmaster(Dredds bike) You can;t ride bike in Dredd vs  Death which was a let down , perhaps if bike is destroyed you can borrow citizens vehciles to continue pursuit of any perps.
4. A wide variety of adversaries ,Ape gangsters , Mutants ,Sovs ,Fatties  common perps,, rogue Judges or Jimps , rebellious robots, SJS (Special  Judicial Squad)Total War Terrorrists  maybe even Rico (not the movie version but the proper Titan version)
I' can't see there been a Dark Judges storyline as I think they are saving that for the second movie if it ever gets made.
5.Perhaps a Strontium Dog crossover (maybe have added online content where you can play as Johnny Alpha much like episodes from Liberty City- maybe even a Batman Crossover but I imagine alot of deal making would have to be done for that to happen)
6. Not a recreation of the movie, instead something that is either set before the events of the film or directly afterwards , a movies only 2 hours long whilst a video game can last up to about 10 to 15  hours longer if it's a sandbox style game.
7. A variety of weapons ,, Lawgivers (obviously) stub guns (very powerful lasers that can cut through anything)  ghetto blasters etc
8. Realistic look , if game is to based upon film I'm sure they will go with a likeness for the actors , wasn't really a fan of the look of the Dredd Vs Death , never been a fan of the Bisley clone art that inspired it , much prefer a Bolland/Ezquerra/McMahon  type rendering
9. Decent Soundtrack , I liked the soundtrack of Dredd Vs Death I also thought voice acting was good too , Hoping there will be plenty of futuristic beats to make Mega City come alive .
10.Lots of  storylines and subplots based upon John Wagner Alan Grant , Pat Mills the other newer writers  scripts
I could list a few more (mini games online multiplayer modes etc..) but I'll stop for now really hope this type of game gets made.Guess we'll . have to wait and see..

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