Saturday, 31 July 2010
Boba Blog
Boba Fett's appearence in 1980's Star wars spin off cartoon Droids plus something new a clip from The Force Unleased 2 featuring the Bobster , (My 12 year old nephew -a genius btw is creating me a Boba Fett Bucket (helmet ) looks really good so far I'll have to post some pics when I get them...Also just started another blog which will feature a comic strip I'll be working on I've only just now created it so very early days
Friday, 30 July 2010
Judge Urban
Well my hopes for a CGI Clint Eastwood were dashed at this years Comic Con ,still at least Karl Urban knows the character seeing as he read 2000ad (more widely known in Australia and New Zealand than say the USA ) Hope he does old Stoney face credit (he's a bit handsome for Dreddy , mind you his Bones in Star Trek film was good)maybe he's actually playing Judge Bruce and this all a red herring lol Seems like the film will be like film is Die Hard meets Blade Runner .according to reports . I was hoping for a story along the lines of Origins or the Cursed Earth saga(which describes how Mega City came about and how the Judges came to power would be a good introduction to the vast majority of people unfamiliar with the character )but if it going to be Blade Runneresque and truer to the comic(The Stallone pic turned into the 1970's Flash Gordon with it's flying bikes -Fergie wasn't a 8 foot Baseball wielding simpleton and the uniform was all wrong ..I could go on ) but here's hoping Mr Urban can turn Dreddy into a movie franchise worthy of the comic.. just found this very interesting blog which gives lowdown on film as it's in production ..pity about the swear words though I'd rather have future swear words like Drokk It and Grud on a Greenie, language changes everyday I think an audience would accept that rather than yet another movie with tourette's syndrome.. but cool that it's going to be more faithful than the 1995 movie .. And I wonder who will play Anderson she should be an intriguing character if they get her right. .
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Mitchum P.I
great song it's really all about Echo and Bunnymen drummer Pete DeFretis
Links to watch Robert Mitchums 1974 take on Raymond Chandlers greatest creation Philip Marlowe.. If I can find the Big Sleep I'll post it on a later date.. also look out for a young Sly Stallone,(don't say much in this lol ) Charlotte Rampling and Sarah Miles
Monday, 26 July 2010
Bomp Records
Stiv Bators - It's Cold Outside & Not That Way Anymore from SebF on Vimeo.
Stephanie Knows Who (live, Oct. '06)
Shaw 'Nuff | MySpace Music Videos
The Greg Shaw Tribute (excerpts)
Shaw 'Nuff | MySpace Music VideosTribute to Bomp Records and the man behind it the late great Greg Shaw, after my DMZ/Lyres post thought it would be nice (first heard DMZ on the excellent Best of Bomp comp back in the early 90's not one bad tune on it )Greg like John Peel was a man of great taste . Here's link to Bomps website
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Jeff "Monoman"Conolly from Boston's finest DMZ and Lyres .Jeffs really cool guy very amiable and totally unaware of what a legend he is . I met him after his first gig in uk and we grooved with all girl group the Diaboliks (T'was a good evening it's also cool to see The Brood in one of these videos too I've been looking for footage for other blog (hope theres more out there somewhere very cool band too)
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Young Boba
two episodes featuring a young Master Fett (In fact Daniel Logan who played Boba in Attack of the Clones is 23 now how time flies .. I wonder how the new Live action TV show is going , I'm hoping for a Once Upon a Time in Space Sergio Leonne meets Blade Runner meets original Trilogy type of shows .. Concerning Bounty Hunters and Pirates ..we'll have to wait and see.. I have a theory about Boba Fett .. that there are two of him .. The Clone that was created on Kamino and a real one that was born during the Mandalorian civil war .. Perhaps Jango was separated from him and his mother after been captured and believes them dead .. hence wanting a clone son who he names after his original kid .. seems a unusual request so perhaps those are the reasons (Wouldn't mind writing and drawing a story about it .. but right now I'm working on three projects at once but If I were to do this gives me license to feature a fully grown Boba Fett fighting in the Clone Wars and the period afterwards seeing as he would be born 20 years or so before the Clone Boba .. just an idea at the moment .. but it would make sense I mean he is the most Notourious Bounty Hunter in the galaxy and its a big Galaxy perhaps the reason is that there are two of him..)
Monday, 12 July 2010
John Marston the Man from Blackwater
Just completed story mode of Red Dead Redemption(but theres still heaps to do out west once stories over )found this today on youtube a 20+ minute Machiniima film made up of a few cutscenes from the game .. this is just a drop in the ocean believe you me, the games an epic saga .. really there should be sequel featuring Johns son fighting in the trenchs in WW1 that would make a good follow up , playing the scenes fighting the Rebels in Mexico got me thinking about about that ..there's plenty of WW2 shooters but no WW1 shooters if handled with sensitivity with a dash of trench humor I reckon Rockstar could pull it off correctly..
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Red Dead Revolver Part 1
Seeing as I'm serializing GTA may as well also feature the first Red Dead game Revolver , which as a Western fan ticked all the boxes for me when it came out (best soundtrack on a game ever too ..see my Western playlist to hear what I mean ) I'm currently enjoying Redemption at the moment ..Great characters .. I think Irish is my favourite so far .. there's lots of talk that the character is a racist stereotype but bollocks to that , there's drunks of all nationalities , there's a fantastic line in the story where Irish states *God only created Whiskey to stop the Irish Conquering the world " .. a great wise fool I find the character endearing not a racist sterotype .. Red Dead Revolver Man! .. was a classic .. I feel it's actually more brutal than Redemption at the moment ,right now on Redemption I've entered Mexico and caught up in the revolution , Rockstar San Diego really know what there doing .. really hope there's more of this to come..
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Liberty City Stories Part 1
Another Classic from GTA series I'd like to serialise .seeing as I'm stuck in Liberty City myself playing GTA4..and I'm very impressed gotta play Lost and the Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony soon as I complete this one .. Rockstar Games are up there with The Pistols, MC5 and the Stooges .. and the great games keep on coming ..Red Dead Redemption for example ..fantastic escapism that also makes you think too .. that's what it's all about.. always a great story and always a sick way but funny in a Joe Pesci as Tommy in Goodfellas manner .
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Games of the Decade -GTA Vice City part 6
Been a while since I posted these cutscenes .. but seeing as I'm at last playing GTA4 thought I'd post this stories Grand Finale .. (wonder if there's any truth in the rumors about GTA series returning to Vice City for it's next title.. time will tell.. next up Liberty City Stories if I can find the Cut Scenes online somewhere
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