Friday 22 April 2011

The Big O 
Roy on The Dukes of Hazzard
First time I saw Roy was on The Dukes of Hazzard (I thought he was a blind guy lol.due to the shades I'd hear him in later years on John Peels show inbetween all that left field music he played it seemed to fit pretty well, I remember watching a show called Night Network a few years later when I was a kid and just before Roy died he had one of his videos reviewed by Carl McCoy of Fields of The Nephelim or whatever they were called .. been the fine critic that he is Carl wished Roy was dead .. within a week or so Roy was indeed dead.. so when McCoy and his band traveled to my town I dissed him to his face .. I very much doubt any goffs would even exist without this guy in the first place ... just don't hex people with immense talent thats all I can say .
UPDATE actually I got wires crossed in fact it was Roy slagging off  a Fields of the Neff video on Night Network , not Carl  .. maybe he just didn't get it .. but anyhow he was dead within a week , probably no connection just struck me as odd at the time .

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